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Chance Items
If you area a Business Owner and would like to donate your goods or services, please email us at: willliselementarypto@yahoo.com Thank you so much!
Every year Willis Elementary School holds an annual fundraising event called the Gecko Gala. This event is one of our primary events to raise money for our school.  This year’s Gala proceeds go towards purchasing equipment, technology, supplies and resources for Willis Students and Staff! 

    On Monday, February 27th we will have our Chance Items in the school lobby. The children love this part of the event. It is also great for those who cannot make the Gala, as anyone can purchase a sheet of chance tickets for a chance to win!  

Below will be (I am currently working on the donations) :-)  a list of all chance auction items that will be in the lobby (starting Friday, February 24th) for you or your children to place a chance ticket in. Beginning Monday, February 27th you will purchase a sheet of Chance Tickets for $20, in the lobby m-f 8-9am. You can also purchase sheets of Chance Tickets on the PTO website. For those who are attending the Gala, a sheet of chance tickets are included with each ticket sale. For those who have purchased tickets online you can pick up your tickets in the front office.

Click HERE to view the list of Chance Auction Items!!!!